
Thursday, September 26, 2013

11 on the 11th - Corrie Jones style

I've been a huge Corrie Jones fan for a long time.  I had the pleasure of being on a kit club team of hers a few years ago...the Sweet Peach Crop Shop.  It was my first kit club experience, and I just LOVED it!  Corrie is an amazing scrapper...I just can't get enough of her style.  And if you haven't watched any of her Garden Girl videos over at Two Peas, you're missing out!

She began doing a monthly page about herself on the 8th of every month.  She scraps eight things about her on the 8th day each month, no matter what's going on.  I just love seeing her page each month.  This time, she issued a challenge for us to give a try, and so I did.  I chose the 11th.  I had so much fun doing this...I really sat and thought about this day only...what was going through my head, what was happening, and what was going to happen later that day.  I really liked how it turned out!

I used some Basic Grey Hey Boy and Hey You, along with some Hey Girl embellies that I got super cheap at Jo Ann's a few months ago.

I really love these transparent fun to add to a page!

I just had to use this piece...haha!

I've learned that it's therapeutic to do a page about myself...I used to think it was a waste of time.  Now, I'm glad I do it every now and then!  It's a nice break from scrapping the kiddos all the time.

Well, thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Great page Missy!! Love the way you took on Corrie's challenge! All of the journaling strips are awesome and I love the transparent embellishments! And the layers around your photo are so fun!!

  2. Totally gorgeous, as always. I love your style!!! And always have! :-) Personally, I think the "blah, blah, blah" piece is perfect. Thanks for playing!

  3. I love this page! there is so much on it and still it looks clean. And the photo is great)
